Friday, February 22, 2008


We are all going on a practice session in Bukit Tinggi this Sunday (meeting at the BHP station after the Kuantan toll in Gombak area at 1-30 pm). Hope you guys and girls have all been training. Try and increase your step exercise to at least 25 minutes per day. Try it my friends - it is easier than you think, Intially it is tough but it gets better sas your muscles get conditioned to it. I am really looking forward to climbing with all of you!! See you all on Sunday.... Hock Siew

Below is an article of my 2 climbs in 3 days. Read it and you will understand why determination is the most important trait of all.


I knew what I was letting myself into when I told the group of climbers I was taking up Mount Kinabalu that I was going to climb it twice over three days. Many thought a 53 year old like me was crazy to attempt such a feat. Those who had climbed the mountain before thought I had gone mad. After I made the announcement, I started to wonder if I had done the right thing as doubt after doubt filled my mind.

I flew to Sabah early to prepare for the two climbs and I was lost in a world of uncertain feelings about such an attempt. What was worse was the accident I had three days before the climb when I tripped and fell into a deep drain and almost broke my knee. I could not walk properly the day before the climb, such was the pain I had.

At the lowest point of feeling unsure about the whole venture, I drew on my belief that my God would heal me enough to allow me to make the climb and I dwelt on my experiences in the MLM arena where belief and a total commitment to the objective made it possible for me to reach the unlikely summits of success in this flimsy field. I was accordingly inspired!

At the starting point, I banished all thoughts of failure from my mind and I stamped out the possibility of giving up at any point on the climb. I made up my mind then that I would succeed no matter what else happened on the climb. As I made that decision, wave after wave of positive endeavor came over me and I felt my spirit began to rise to the certain heights of unwavering commitment. I knew then that even if I had to crawl up the mountain, I would do it and reach the summit not once but twice.

What a change came over me. When the positive rises up within us to replace the negative, our complete disposition changes! I simply looked up to the summit of that great beautiful mountain and declared with complete certainly that I would be at the top. Right then, I knew that I will reach my objective. What a wonderful feeling it is when you have such confidence in any venture.

Every step that I took became a confident step. Every steep incline became a leap forward. I looked ahead to every little progress and every difficulty became a step of opportunity.

I started encouraging others and helped them up. There was joy in the effort and the feeling was exhilarating. As I stood on the summit on the first climb, I looked down the entire way to the mid-levels and declared that I will be up again. Going down and reaching the second group of climbers, I turned back up and made the ascent without any feeling of discouragement. Such was the desire that I couldn’t wait for the summit to come into view a second time.

The second time on the summit was special. I knew as I felt the wind blowing into my face that there would be many more mountains for me to climb. I have no fear as I look at the seemingly insurmountable objectives in my life. I know that I just have to keep taking the small steps with zest and enthusiasm and the big steps will come into view. What a feeling it is!

Welcome to the world of possibilities!

For those of you starting out in the path of A NEW CAREER OR A BUSINESS VENTURE, the feeling is the same. You will experience doubts and uncertainty and you will find the objectives targeted almost impossible. You have a choice. You can choose to look at the difficulties or you can choose to look at the opportunities. Only you have the power to make the right response.

Be a Man and a Woman of purpose! Choose life! Choose health! Choose success!! God bless you.


R1dz said...

Enjoy urselves at Bukit Tinggi. The Team from Penang is unable to join oltho we promised to when we signed up last year. Sorry bout that. But rest assured, we're training as much as we can here. See you guys in Sabah!

admin said...

with great enthusiasm, always the impossible become possible :)